Already Gone

Song Title
Already Gone
Casii Stephan Music LLC admin by Workshop Productions, Inc. (BMI)
% Publisher Controls
Territory Controlled
Already Gone
by Casii Stephan
Verse 1:
Try to take my life one more time
Look me right in the eye
You’ll see why your heart’s a ticking bomb
Cause I
igured out your witch-talk
Figured out your dark side
Figured out the real emotion behind your eyes
Thought I would be another pawn in your play
Thought I would just fade into yesterday
But I’m already gone, baby
Verse 2:
Go on, take your things - come chase me
I’ll be your obsession
Cause you know I ruined your perfect score
You’re such a baby, baby (4x)
Choking on my dust
End Chorus:
Cause I’m already gone, baby
Already gone, baby
Already gone, baby

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