Brave Land

Song Title
Brave Land
Raine Hamilton Music admin by Workshop Productions Inc. (BMI)
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Territory Controlled

Born one day breathing
Gifted these feet that walk the earth
Tread stepping lightly
The earth as our body and our lover
And I’ve never seen a green this green before

Brave land up-reaching
Sit with me and lift me to the sky
That I might hear you
Covered in crystal
Holy mantle where the sun is set
And I’ve never known a light this light before


Sing to me starlight
Shine that I might find my way through
Call to me sliver of the moon
Waxing waning and revealing

Come now, indweller of my heart
Chase the sorrow form the darkest part

Offer the breaking of my bones
The pouring of my heart
That I might be a channel of thy peace
Make me warm, make me willing

Come now indweller of my heart
Chase the sorrow from the darkest part



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