Fire From The Mountain

Song Title
Fire From The Mountain
Lil’ Red Music admin by Workshop Productions, Inc. (BMI)
% Publisher Controls
Territory Controlled
You smile and you deny
And I can’t truck, truck, truck with all your lies
Your loudmouth and all your boom
All your excuses over soon

I’m taking fire from the mountain
I’m taking blood from the stone
I’m taking light from the storm cloud
To find my way back home
To find my way

All you kill and all you keep
The night is long and there’s no relief
The rich man’s coat, the rich man’s cough
Life’s a bet you can’t payoff

I’m taking fire from the mountain
I’m taking blood from the stone
I’m taking light from the storm cloud
To find my way back home
To find my way

I got to find my way, got to find my way
Got to find my way back home

I got to find my way, got to find my way
Got to find my way back home

I’m taking fire from the mountain
I’m taking blood from the stone
I’m taking light from the storm cloud
Got to find my way

I’m taking fire from the mountain
I’m taking blood from the stone
I’m taking light from the storm cloud
To find my way back home
To find my way

I got to find my way, got to find my way
Got to find my way back home

I got to find my way, got to find my way
Got to find my way back home


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