Song Title
TRO Affiliate
% Publisher Controls
Territory Controlled
Airplane, Crown, Farm, Gypsy, Hand, hide, Kiss, Lonely, Marriage, Mind, Preacher, Smile, Trees, Wife
Jack was working on the farm
One ev’ning in July,
When all at once a gypsy girl
Came gaily tripping by.
She smiled as she went barefoot
Through his cabbage patch,
Her hair was long and black
And she had fingernails to match.

Oh let us play at hide and seek,
The gypsy gaily cried,
So close your eyes and count to twenty
While I go and hide,
And if you catch me I will let you
Steal a kiss from me,
And if you cannot find me,
I’ll be right behind that tree.

He caught her, then he kissed her hand,
Oh he was very keen,
It was eleven inches long,
The biggest hand he’d seen.
And as he kissed that hand,
A thought into his mind was put,
If that hand had been one inch longer,
He’d have kissed a foot.

He asked her what her lips were for
As they sat by a hedge,
She said they’re there to stop my mouth
From fraying round the edge.
“I want you for my wife,” he begged,
As eager as can be,
She said, “Oh don’t be silly,
What would your wife do with me?”

The day they wed, Jack said,
“I am the happiest man on earth,”
The Preacher said, “Well, pay me then,
And give me what she’s worth.”
Oh Jack he gave him half a crown,
The Preacher looked at Jack,
And then he saw his bride-to-be
And gave him nine pence back.

Oh Jack went off a-roaming,
Soon after they were wed,
But his wife she got so lonely
And went around with Fred.
Oh Jack he got to hear of this
And said, “It’s time I stopped her,”
So he flew home by aeroplane
And by helicopter.


Recording Artist Genre Mood Arrangement Era iTunes
BENNY HILL Comedy Comic, Humorous, Playful, Silly, Up-tempo Strings, Vocal 1960's Buy >

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