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1970's, Airplane, Memories, Places, Remember, travel
I went down to the airport,
I had time on my hands,
And I watched the Northern Mainliner
Coming in to land.
And I watched the people
Getting off that plane.
And half a million mem ‘ries
Flashed through my brain.
I remember watching sunrise
And the sunset over lunch,
I remember the sound of mukluks
On the boardwalk going crunch.
I remember how the midnight sun
Would keep me awake.
I remember walks in springtime
Up the hill to Hidden Lake.
I remember it well.

I remember the smell of moosehide
And the smell of burning wood.
I remember Freddy Carmichael,
The local boy made good.
I remember Agnes Semmler
With her warm and laughing face.
I remember going to the zoo,
Yes, that’s the wildest place.
I remember it well.

I remember Delta roundup
And remember Paulatuk.
I remember eating oranges
That had cost a half a buck.
I remember going up to Sachs
And buying seal skins,
And Father Adam in the morning
Praying for my sins,
I remember it well.

I remember howling sled dogs
That sent shivers up my spine,
And parties at the Legion
Where we sure had a good time.
I remember people waiting
For the barges to come in

And wishing that the icecream
Didn’t always taste like klim.
I remember it well.

Yes, yes, I remember.
The softball and the curling games
That never seem to end,
The black flies and mosquitoes
That could drive you ‘round the bend.
Those winds in Tuktoyuktuk
Where you couldn’t see or breathe,
The stories about the bushman
That the old folks still believe.
I remember it well.

I remember Mother Hubbards,
All the Hondas and skidoos,
The white kids in their moccasins,
The native kids in shoes.
I remember eating caribou
And darkness at midday,
And wond’ring how the natives knew
Aklavik wouldn’t wash away.
I remember it well.

I’m down here in the city,
The weather’s fine, the grass is green.
It’s colder, friends, in some ways
Than the North has ever been.
I love your life, I love your land,
And I will not forget
Those places that I’ve traveled to,
Those people that I’ve met.
I remember them well.
Yes, yes, I remember.

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