Submit a Print Request

To request permission to use the music or lyrics from a TRO Essex song in a print publication (novel, magazine, textbook), please begin by selecting the type of publication that best describes your project. Then fill out the required fields and submit your request. Please allow 3-5 days to process your request.

Please note that TRO Essex can only grant a license for those rights it owns or controls. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to obtain permission from all copyright owners and record master owners (if used).

ID Slug Song Title Writer Remove
15098 all_the_time_in_the_world_1 ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD JOHN MACLEOD, TONY MACAULAY
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ID Slug Song Title Writer Remove
15098 all_the_time_in_the_world_1 ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD JOHN MACLEOD, TONY MACAULAY
ID Slug Song Title Writer Remove Edit
15098 all_the_time_in_the_world_1 ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD JOHN MACLEOD, TONY MACAULAY