
Toshi Reagon Annual Birthday Concert

January 24, 2024
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Happy 40th Anniversary to Toshi Reagon and BIGLovely's “Annual Birthday Concerts”! Every year folk, blues, and gospel, singer-songwriter Toshi Reagon puts on an annual birthday celebration at Joe's Pub in New York City, her annual birthday shows have become staples of the New York performance ecosystem and mark an incredible artist's journey.
Toshi Reagon is a multi-talented and versatile singer, composer, musician, curator, and producer. Her expansive career includes residences at Carnegie Hall, the Paris Opera House, and multiple festivals and venues nationally and internationally. The first ever birthday concert took place at the Community Café, near Washington DC. Inspired by The Sweet Honey In The Rock Anniversary Concerts, these concerts are a collaboration between the group, their community, and the conditions of time. Like New Year’s Day these annual shows started their own circle through the seasons and represent a celebration of where we are in the conditions of the here and now.
This year there will be seven separate concerts from Wed. January 24-31st at Joe's Pub in NYC. The Saturday show is a special fundraiser for Wise Reagon Arts, a company created by Toshi Reagon to produce the opera Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower, as well as community initiatives the Parable Path, Songs of the Living all Volunteer Community Choir, and work in progress theatrical projects. For more information click below!